
UPWr with some of the best diploma theses in space fields

On December 20th in Cracow the second part of Earth Observation Forum devoted to the subject of satellite data used in public administration took place. During the conference results of the Competition for the Award of the President of Polish Space Agency POLSA for the best thesis in the field of space research were announced. From the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences 6 theses had participated, which, according to statistics of the agency, allowed our University to take the first place in terms of the number of submitted works. The works submitted by our students were of a very high standard, as evidenced by the fact that four out of six sent applications made it to the final part of the competition. In addition, our students received:
  • the first prize in the category of bachelorʼs theses for Marta Pasternak, currently continuing her studies for a Masterʼs degree. Thesis supervisor was Kamila Pawłuszek-Filipiak,
  • the second prize in the category of masterʼs theses for Grzegorz Marut, currently a participant in the Doctoral School UPWr. Thesis supervisor was Tomasz Hadaś.

The works which made it to the final stage but were not awarded prizes belonged to:
  • Marcin Mikoś, currently continuing his studies for a Masterʼs degree. Thesis supervisor was Kamil Kaźmierski,
  • Natalia Oreńczak, currently continuing her studies for a Master’s degree. Thesis supervisor was Kamila Pawłuszek-Filipiak.

The forum was attended by Grzegorz Marut, who gave a short presentation outlining the most important results obtained in the course of his masterʼs thesis. The speech and the entire conference is available on the official YouTube channel of the agency and at the address Forum Obserwacji Ziemi - POLSA.
We would like to congratulate all finalists and award winners and wish them further success in their scientific research.

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GISLab - Laboratorium GIS
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
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