
Summer internships in IGG 2022
The Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics presents a proposal of summer internships for students for 2022. The internships duration is three months. The titles and topics of the internships are in the appendix. The deadline for submitting applications is June 15, 2022. Please contact the tutors of individual internships directly (e-mail).

Internships titles:
  1. Web-application development for GNSS network selection based on the quality analysis of RINEX files - Dr. Radosław Zajdel ([email protected])
  2. Monitoring of infrastructure deformations with satellite radar data - Dr. Maya Ilieva ([email protected])
  3. Satellite Radar Remote Sensing for precise agriculture - Dr Kamila Pawłuszek-Filipiak ([email protected])
  4. Automatic identification of animals in thermal images collected with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles - Dr. Grzegorz Jóźków ([email protected])
  5. Detection of displacements in the time series of coordinates determined from HR-GNSS observations - Dr. Jan Kapłon ([email protected])

List of Summer internships 2022 - detailed info..

Poczta / Logowanie do systemu
GISLab - Laboratorium GIS
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Grunwaldzka 53
50-357 Wroclaw

NIP: 896-000-53-54, REGON: 00000 18 67

Phone +48 71 3205617
Fax +48 71 3205617

e-mail: [email protected]