IGiG scientific seminar - Prof. Dr. habil. Hans-Gerd Maas

IGiG is pleased to invite you to a scientific seminar to be held in the IGIG library (100G) on
June 27, 2024 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. The presentation, entitled
"Photogrammetric techniques in civil engineering material testing" will be given by
Prof. Dr. habil. Hans-Gerd Maas from TU Dresden.
Please refer to
BIO to find out more about our speaker.
We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday. Please find the abstract below.
Civil engineering material testing involves various kinds of load and impact experiments on (re-inforced) concrete probes. A major goal in concrete probe material testing is the detection of cracks and deformations. Herein, image-based techniques offer the crucial advantage of delivering precise high-resolved spatio-temporal information on crack positions and crack widths and/or on deformations. In our research, we use ultra-highspeed cameras with up to 7 million frames per second to monitor dynamic deformation processes as well as crack development and crack velocities, which are in the order of 1000 m/s. Beyond image sequences, we also use time-resolved micro-tomography data of probes, necessitating the extension of crack detection and subpixel accuracy crack width determination algorithms from pixel to voxel data.