IGiG oraz WZB SpaceOs (www.igig.up.wroc.pl) serdecznie zapraszają na cykliczne seminaria naukowe. Już jutro o godzinie 13.00 Pani dr Vanessa Brum Bastos z University of St Andrews wygłosi prezentację pt. Using contextual movement analytics to understand behaviour.
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Movement analytics has been boosted in the recent years by the ubiquitous availability and quality of spatio-temporal data on people and wildlife. Movement ecology and human mobility are the two main application areas of movement analytics, the first one aims to understand wildlife behavior for conservation purposes mostly, whilst the second one looks at human movement to improve transportation and urban planning, particularly in the context of smart cities. Location-based services and GPS trackers are constantly creating massive data-sets on individuals’ locations at specific timestamps. These data-sets can be analyzed to extract movement patterns, which in conjunction with contextual data can lead to a further understanding of behavior. In this seminar, Dr Brum-Bastos will present her work on the use of movement analytics to understand how weather influence human mobility and how to explore bicycling ridership patterns from crowdsourced data.