Seminarium naukowe IGiG - Dr. Milad Asgarimehr
IGG ma przyjemność zaprosić Państwa na wirtualne seminarium naukowe, które odbędzie się na platformie Google Meet
(link). Podczas seminarium naszym gościem będzie
Dr. Milad Asgarimehr z GFZ Potsdam, który przedstawi prezentację zatytułowaną "GNSS Reflectometry: Breaking the Grounds in Remote Sensing". Seminarium rozpocznie się w czwartek
25 stycznia o godzinie 09:00 AM (CEST).
Abstrakt wystąpienia:
Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry (GNSS-R) is a novel remote sensing technique exploiting the GNSS signals after reflection from the Earth’s surface. This presentation will introduce and explore the transformative field of GNSS Reflectometry (GNSS-R) along with showcasing the pioneering studies undertaken at GFZ.
After a brief introduction to fundamental principles and applications, we will discuss the retrieval of ocean wind speeds providing insights into the accuracy and reliability achieved through GNSS-R techniques in this context. The discussion will shift to the prospect of detecting rain over the ocean, in conditions of low wind speeds, leveraging the capabilities of GNSS-R.
A significant portion of the presentation will be dedicated to the AI for GNSS-R (AI4GNSS-R). Recent AI activities at GFZ will be highlighted, emphasizing their crucial role in enhancing processing efficiency and contributing to the production of higher quality and novel products derived from GNSS-R measurements.
We will also cover recent activities related to vegetation water content retrieval using GNSS-R. By showcasing novel insights and advancements in this area, we aim to underline the versatility of GNSS-R in addressing diverse challenges in climate and Earth observation.