Seminarium naukowe IGiG - Prof. Javier Estornell Cremades
IGiG ma przyjemność zaprosić Państwa na seminarium naukowe, które odbędzie się w bibliotece IGIG (p. 100G)
21 marca 2024 r. w godzinach 9:00-10:00. Prezentację zatytułowaną
"Applications of the satellite imagery and 3D point clouds in Environmental Science" przedstawi
Prof. Javier Estornell Cremades, z Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Prelegent osobiście wygłosi prezentację w naszym Instytucie w ramach kilkudniowej wizyty naukowej.
Abstrakt wystąpienia:
This seminar will present applications of satellite imagery and 3D point clouds in forestry, agriculture and wetlands. In forestry, the estimation of forest variables using LiDAR technology will be described. This topic also describes tools for supervised classification of photogrammetric point clouds. In agriculture, the use of 3D point clouds obtained by different techniques, Airborne LiDAR (ALS), Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS), UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds and terrestrial photogrammetric point clouds, to calculate individual tree parameters is described. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique will be discussed. The final part of the seminar will focus on the use of remote sensing imagery to study wetlands by analysing water indices and thresholds. This information will be used to monitor changes in free water bodies".