Seminarium naukowe IGiG - Prof. Uwe Soergel
IGiG zaprasza na seminarium naukowe, które odbędzie się w bibliotece Instytutu (p. 100G)
9 maja 2024 r. w godzinach 9:00-10:00. Prezentację zatytułowaną
"Trends in Remote Sensing: Constellations, Crowd Sourcing and Services" przedstawi
Prof. Uwe Soergel z Uniwersytetu w Stuttgarcie.
Z sylwetką Prelegenta można zapoznać się pod biogramem:
Seminarium ma charakter stacjonarny. Abstrakt wystąpienia można znaleźć poniżej po rozwinięciu wiadomości.
We are currently experiencing very dynamic developments in the field of remote sensing, which come along with new challenges but also open up opportunities. In the past, satellite remote sensing was operated by governments or supranational organizations, there were only a few operational satellites at a time, which were very expensive. Today, more and more private companies are coming into play, launching entire constellations of smaller and cheaper units into orbit, dramatically improving data availability and timeliness. This also means that their analysis can no longer be carried out by experts alone. Rather, more and more lay people are involved, for example, in the form of paid crowdsourcing for the annotation of remote sensing data, for instance, used as training data for land cover classification. This topic will be discussed for the case of laser point clouds, a data modality that is particularly difficult for non experts to deal with. This is why special emphasize needs to be taken to appropriately visualize data and tailor the task for crowd workers, who live at some arbitrary location often in developing countries. Finally, remote sensing-based services are also offered to the public, such as the European Ground Motion Service.