Seminarium naukowe IGiG - dr. Andrea Gatti
IGiG zaprasza na seminarium naukowe, które odbędzie się w bibliotece Instytutu (p. 100G)
23 maja 2024 r. w godzinach 9:00-10:00. Prezentację zatytułowaną
"GNSS reflectometry applied to low-cost ground receivers" przedstawi
dr Andrea Gatti z Geomatics Research & Development (GReD), Lomazzo, Włochy.
Więcej informacji o grupie
Seminarium ma charakter stacjonarny. Abstrakt wystąpienia można znaleźć poniżej po rozwinięciu wiadomości.
As the name suggests, the primary goal of any Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is positioning and navigation. Nevertheless, researchers all over the World continuously explored new applications for this technology, from the study of the Atmosphere to soil moisture estimation. GNSS-IR (interferometric reflectometry) or simply GNSS reflectometry is a technique that uses the interference created by direct and reflected signals to determine various aspects of the reflective surface. While the underlying principle of functioning is common we can distinguish two classes of reflectometry: reflectometry from moving objects (e.g. microsatellites, airplanes, drones) or from static stations permanently fixed on the ground. The main content will then focus on practical applications, starting with the process of retrieving water levels in rivers and reservoirs. Next, we will explore the development of soil moisture analysis within the framework of the European-funded project
MAGDA and look at the preliminary results achieved. Furthermore, we will address the challenges of analyzing interferometric signals in suboptimal conditions, utilizing multi-constellation and multi-frequency observation data. The presentation will conclude with a discussion on the future potential of low-cost GNSS reflectometry in various fields, emphasizing its versatility and cost-effectiveness.