Seminarium naukowe IGiG - Prof. Dr. habil. Hans-Gerd Maas
IGiG zaprasza na seminarium naukowe, które odbędzie się w bibliotece Instytutu (p. 100G)
27 czerwca 2024 r. w godzinach 9:00-10:00. Prezentację zatytułowaną
"Photogrammetric techniques in civil engineering material testing" przedstawi
Prof. Dr. habil. Hans-Gerd Maas z Uniwersytetu Technicznego w Dreźnie.
Z sylwetką Prelegenta można zapoznać się pod biogramem:
Seminarium ma charakter stacjonarny. Abstrakt wystąpienia można znaleźć poniżej po rozwinięciu wiadomości.
Civil engineering material testing involves various kinds of load and impact experiments on (re-inforced) concrete probes. A major goal in concrete probe material testing is the detection of cracks and deformations. Herein, image-based techniques offer the crucial advantage of delivering precise high-resolved spatio-temporal information on crack positions and crack widths and/or on deformations. In our research, we use ultra-highspeed cameras with up to 7 million frames per second to monitor dynamic deformation processes as well as crack development and crack velocities, which are in the order of 1000 m/s. Beyond image sequences, we also use time-resolved micro-tomography data of probes, necessitating the extension of crack detection and subpixel accuracy crack width determination algorithms from pixel to voxel data.